Orlando Speeding Car Accidents | Exceeding The Legal Limit | The Nunez Law Firm

Orlando Speeding Accident

Speeding accidents in Orlando are not uncommon. Each year, professional lawyers handle several thousand speeding accident cases in Florida. Those involved in incidents suffer direct damages, the largest percentage of which are related to the costs of medical recovery. Every auto accident is unique, and our Orlando speeding accident lawyer delves into each situation in detail to properly file a claim against the insurers and the perpetrators of the car accident.

Each year, approximately 400,000 vehicle incident cases are recorded in Florida. Of those, 200,000 accidents involve cars and trucks. About 3,000 car accidents result in fatalities. A high percentage of injuries are recorded in speeding accidents in Orlando. If you have been involved in a speeding accident and are having trouble interacting with the police, insurance companies, or interested parties, we recommend contacting our Orlando speeding accident attorney for an initial free consultation. You don’t want to lose time, as a statute of limitations governs when you can file a claim for car accident compensation costs.

Speeding Constitutes Reckless Driving

In most cases, speeding in Orlando is considered reckless driving. When filing a lawsuit, it is necessary to prove that the other driver was negligent, which caused the speeding accident in Orlando. This will involve conducting an examination, collecting data from witnesses, and determining the technical condition of the vehicle at the time of the crashes. If you have any trouble with your case, our attorney will come to your aid, studying the situation in detail and filing claims against the parties involved.

What You Should Do After a Car Accident in Orlando, Florida

Every incident is subject to a thorough investigation, including by the traffic police, insurance companies, authorities, and other parties involved. If you have had a speeding accident, follow our lawyer’s advice.

  • Make sure you are as safe as possible and check the condition of others involved in the incident.
  • Call 911 and provide details about the Orlando speeding accident.
  • Remove the vehicle from the road without impeding the movement of other vehicles.
  • Wait for a traffic officer to arrive. Do not interfere with the investigation.
  • Record the details of witnesses and parties involved in the incident.
  • Notify your insurance company about the speeding accident.
  • See a doctor within 14 days to document your medical condition.
  • Call our Orlando speeding accident attorney for an initial free consultation.

Important advice from our lawyers: Do not sign any documents with the insurance company. If you do this, you could unknowingly reduce your compensation benefits or end up with no benefits. Also, you should not give your opinion to the police officer regarding who was at fault, as anything you say can be held against you in a court of law.

Important Facts and Figures About Orlando Car Accidents

Speeding accidents are the leading causes of injuries to drivers, passengers, and bystanders. It is not uncommon for speeding accidents to be fatal. Each year in Florida, there are approximately 3,600 speeding-related crashes.

Florida Traffic Law Applicable to Driving Speeds

Florida has its own state speeding regulation. Attorneys use this law when filing claims with insurance companies and other interested parties. Title XXIII, Chapter 316, Paragraph 316.183 of the 2020 Florida Statutes covers issues related to direct driving. This paragraph lists seven factors that specify speed limits on various types of state highways. In reviewing your case, our attorneys will consider the provisions of this statute.

Common Orlando Car Accident Injuries

 An important condition attorneys remind you: Over half of all car accidents involve injuries. The lawyer draws attention to the fact that in order to receive compensation for medical treatment and rehabilitation, you must see a doctor within 14 days of the incident. Otherwise, you won’t be able to obtain compensation, not even for medical bills.

The most common injuries in car accidents are:

  • Head trauma;
  • damage to the upper and lower extremities;
  • soft tissue trauma;
  • facial disfigurement;
  • cuts;
  • hip injury; and
  • muscle tissue injury, etc.

With insurance, you can always receive compensation. Our lawyer can help you file a claim for current and future medical and rehabilitation costs.

Speeding Car Accident FAQs

Florida law governs issues related to speeding accidents. While each case is unique, our attorneys have prepared answers to frequently asked questions from clients. If you have another question or don’t find the answer you are looking for, contact our attorneys for an initial free consultation.

Does Speeding Really Cause Traffic Accidents?

In Paragraph 316.183 of the 2020 Florida Statutes, state lawmakers set strict limits on the maximum speed allowed on state highways and roads.

Lawyers point out the following::

  • Paragraph 2. In all residential and business parts of the state’s cities, the maximum speed limit shall not be more than 30 miles per hour during business hours and not more than 55 miles per hour after hours.
  • Paragraph 2. A county and municipality may set its own limits, including 20 miles per hour during business hours and no more than 25 miles per hour after hours.
  • Paragraph 2. For highways, the limit for four-lane traffic is 40 miles per hour except for permits not exceeding 70 miles per hour and not less than 50 miles per hour for individual sections.
  • Paragraph 3: School buses may not exceed the posted speed limit on any stretch of road.
  • Paragraph 4: This specifies locations on highways where the driver is obliged to reduce their speed to the minimum value. There are five such places.
  • Paragraph 5: It is forbidden to move at low speed in those places where the minimum allowed speed is indicated. Otherwise, the road user creates a danger.
  • Paragraph 6: It is prohibited to drive at the maximum speed limit in any roadwork zone. Warning signs must be observed.
  • Paragraph 1: This paragraph lists the criteria for caution to be exercised by drivers and other road users.

Violation of these rules can lead to incidents that cause injury or even death.

What Are the Speeding Accident Statistics?

The U.S. national traffic monitoring operator NHTSA summarized reported that, in 2019, speeding accidents resulted in 9,478 fatalities. The number of fatalities could remain high unless there is nationwide monitoring and education for vehicle licensees about the unacceptability of speeding on certain stretches of highways.

Why Are Speed-Related Vehicle Accidents Deadly?

The automobile industry is growing rapidly, and many manufacturers produce cars that can reach ultra-high speeds. However, even with strict speed limit regulations, fatalities are not uncommon in the United States.

The main causes of fatal crashes are:

  • Traffic congestion – the driver exceeds the speed limit in order to get to their destination, thereby creating fatal situations on the highway;
  • Aggressive driving – the driver is late and thinks that they can break traffic rules by slightly increasing their speed, which also leads to fatal situations;
  • Disrespect for the law – unfortunately, as our attorneys confirm, many drivers disregard the law and intentionally create deadly situations on the highway.

At What Speed Do Most Motor Vehicle Accidents Occur?

There is no clearly traceable information regarding the speed at which most accidents occur. In fact, accidents can occur at any speed. Thus, attorneys recommend that drivers pay attention to signs noting the minimum and maximum speeds.

What Are the Hazards of Speeding While Driving?

The following hazards have been noted:

  • Overturning the car;
  • head-on collision;
  • hitting an obstacle; and
  • collision at intersections, etc.

Can I Still Bring a Case if I Was Speeding at the Time of the Collision?

In some cases, speeding can be caused by objective factors. In such situations, an expert examination will be required to determine the causes of the abnormal speeding situation. If the speeding is due to objective reasons, you can file a claim and contact our attorneys for a free consultation about your case.

Get a Free Consultation

Speeding is a crime. If you have been hurt, contact our Orlando speeding accident lawyer for a free case evaluation. You can either call, send your case to us via email, or request a face-to-face meeting. The initial consultation will always be free.

Written by Rafael NunezAttorneyPosted on September 18, 2021
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