Orlando Red Light
Car Accident Lawyer
There are sad statistics about red light car accidents in the United States: in the last decade, red-light running crashes have killed nearly 9,000 people. An estimated 165,000 motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians are injured annually by red-light runners. Red light accident lawyers point out that these sad statistics are not decreasing; in fact, every year, despite measures taken to combat the situation, the number of victims of red light accidents is increasing.
How a lawyer can help you take action
Lawyers must handle every incident in Orlando very carefully, as proving guilt can be difficult. To do this, they must collect a lot of data. Though many intersections now have video cameras, the determining factors in an Orlando car incident investigation on a red light are witness testimony, the police officer’s report, the expert opinion of a specialist, and the opinion of the Florida Department of Motor Vehicles Jury that issues a plea for each Orlando crash participant. Other challenges involved in determining culpability are the need to assess the environment to determine why the accident occurred. Authorities have instructed all small and medium-sized cities in the state to install video surveillance systems at intersections with traffic lights. A video recording provides an additional option to objectively evaluate an incident in Orlando.
Common red light crashes
- People who run across the road are most likely to be involved in incidents at traffic lights when the red light is on. There are an average of 7 fatal crashes and over 1,000 injury crashes EVERY DAY at signalized intersections across the United States.
- Fatal crashes occur at red traffic lights in urban areas more often than any other type of fatal car crash.
- Most fatal car crashes at red traffic lights occur during daylight hours.
The presence of a red traffic light causes traffic jams and contributes to drivers committing crimes, including causing fatal car crashes. Attorneys in Orlando must deal with each case thoroughly, as running a stoplight is sometimes a necessity.
You need to act promptly
To prevent an incident from occurring, a lawyer recommends acting with care and observing several precautions. These include:
- Avoid using your cell phone while driving. Do not send text messages from your mobile device.
- Do not exceed the posted speed limit.
- Do not drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Unfortunately, attorneys are recording an increase in incident involving drunk drivers, including in Orlando.
- Avoid distracted driving. Red light accident lawyers have found that the causes of the biggest incidents were eating, playing on one’s phone, or drinking soft drinks while driving.
- Avoid driving if you are over 65 years old and take a long-distance trip. Tired, inattentive seniors cause red light driving crashes. Our attorneys often deal with cases in which seniors are injured or killed.
- Fasten your seat belt. A very high percentage of fatal frontal crashes at intersections occur because the drivers and passengers were not wearing their seatbelts. Attorneys in Orlando strongly recommend that seat belts be worn when one is driving in urban areas.
If an incident does occur, our Orlando red light accident lawyer recommends a number of actions.
- Stop the vehicle and see if anyone needs help.
- Document the scene by videotaping or taking pictures with your cell phone.
- Call 911 and report the crash.
- Wait for traffic police to arrive. Do not interfere with the officer’s investigation.
- Gather information about the people involved in the Orlando car incident. Exchange contact information with each other.
- Notify your insurance company about the incident.
- Call a red light accident lawyer for an initial consultation about your next steps.
An insurance agent from either your insurance company or the other party’s company may visit the crash site. Our attorney recommends that you do not sign any agreements with your insurer, as if you do, you may receive minimal or no compensation.
Your lawyer can determine the cause
Most crashes victims are in a state of shock and do not know how to proceed. The first thing to do is pull yourself together and call 911. Then proceed carefully and sensibly. Our attorney will always be in touch with you, and you can call the attorney immediately. You will receive detailed instructions on how to proceed. If possible, the lawyer will go to the scene of the accident and advise you on what to do next.
The lawyer will also work with the police officer, witnesses and parties to the accident, and the insurance agent. Further, it will be necessary to interact with experts who will prepare an opinion for the Department of Motor Vehicle Accident Jury. This opinion will determine your degree of culpability, as well as the degree of culpability of the other parties involved. Our red light accident attorney will then prepare a claim against the insurance companies if you have physical or psychological injuries.
Compensation in red light accidents
The amount of compensation that you may receive related to a red light accident depends on many factors. All calculations will be based on Florida Statute 627.737, the Florida Motor Vehicle Accident Compensation Act. This law makes it easier for injured parties and insurance companies to work together on a pre-trial basis. This means claims can be filed directly with the insurance companies without the need to wait for a trial. In some of our cases, compensation payments are obtained even before the decision of the Department of Motor Vehicle Accident Jury. It is the jury that determines the degree of culpability of each party to the accident when driving on a red light. You can get pre-trial compensation from the insurance company for pain, suffering, mental anguish, and other situations.
What should I do if I am injured in an Orlando red light car accident?
If you have been injured while running a red light, you must see your doctor with 14 days. If you see the doctor later than that, you will not be able to claim further compensation benefits. In addition, there is a deadline for filing a claim. Within 4 years, you have the right to file a claim for the consequences of the incident, including those related to your impairment.

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(407) 264-8773
TheNunezLawFirm@gmail.comWe are open Monday-Friday 9am-5pm.