Orlando Teen Driving
Accident Lawyers
Every year, the number of Teenagers who drive vehicles increases exponentially. The CDC conducted research and found that teen driving incident are not a problem just for a single city but for the entire country. Each year, about 2,000 teens are killed in traffic accidents, and more than 200,000 young adults are seriously injured. Our Orlando Teen Driving Accident Lawyers can help teens and their parents assert their rights if they are involved in an accident of any consequence. Parents are finding that they need to pay proper attention to their children’s education, including making an effort to learn the basic rules of the road.
Why do teen drivers cause accidents?
Nearly all Teen Driver Accident Attorneys state that vehicles driven by Teenagers have the highest rate of incidents in the United States. Since 2015, there has been a nationwide program to reduce teen driving incidents in the U.S., but so far the program has not had the desired effect. The main reasons why teenagers are the cause of car accidents in Orlando are:
- Parents give cars to their children even though the teens do not have the experience and skills to drive. Teenagers don’t notice the dangers and challenges that older, more experienced car drivers might see.
- According to the CDC’s Youth Risk Behavior Monitoring System (YRBSS), young people under the age of 20 have a high rate of death due to distractions. In most cases, a cell phone is the source of the distraction. Over 42% of high school students who drive cars use their cell phones to text while driving.
- Our Orlando Teen Driver Accident Attorneys have found that many teenagers take trips with their friends. In the process, they violate the 1-passenger limit, thereby distracting the driver. Under current law, if a driver is under the age of 21, they can carry only 1 passenger.
- According to statistics, excessive speed accounts for 30% of fatal incidents among males aged 15-20 and 18% of fatal incidents among females aged 15-20.
- Over 53% of all fatal teen driving accidents in Orlando County occur between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m. The fatality rate is also high between 3 p.m. Friday and 11 p.m. Sunday.
- Lawyers report that 20% of all teen driving accidents are due to drug use, with a high rate among 16- to 19-year-old victims.
- Sixty-one percent of drivers and passengers aged 16-21 admit that they do not wear seat belts. Yet, when traveling with parents, the children are always buckled up.
The national teenagers driving accident prevention program in Orlando is having positive effects, but most of the responsibility for children’s lives and health lies with the teens themselves and their parents.
Talk to our attorneys after a teen driver crashes into you
When a car accident occurs involving a driver under 21, we recommend that you seek help from an attorney—whether you are the young person, the parents, or the legal guardians—in a timely manner. Our Attorneys will study the circumstances of the case and help you develop a strategy for interacting with insurance companies, experts, and traffic police.
It is important to remember the important points of teenage driving.
- A driver under 21 can carry only 1 teenager in the car.
- First-year university or college students may not drive between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m.
- First-year students must obtain additional driving points to operate a vehicle.
Attorneys note that the implementation of this program to reduce incidents is yielding positive results. Over the past 2 years, fatalities among youth under 21 have been reduced by 38% and serious injuries by 40%. Unfortunately, however, this program is not having the desired effect in all states. If you have been involved in a car incident, we recommend that you contact an lawyer immediately.
Florida laws regarding teen drivers
The state has imposed mandatory education standards for teens who will be driving vehicles. The following laws are intended to minimize teenager driving accidents in Orlando:
- Beginning at age 15, a teenager must take a Florida Traffic Law course.
- The licensee must take a drug prevention course.
- A passenger must be in the front seat with the teenager while he or she is trained and licensed to teach and drive.
- For the first 3 months after getting a license, the teen must drive only during daylight hours. The teenager is not allowed to drive after 10 p.m.
- Between 3 months and 1 year of driving, the teen is allowed to drive until 11 p.m.
- An adolescent 16 years of age must drive for 1 year without violations to have his or her basic restrictions removed.
- The supervised driving course must include 50 hours of instruction, with 10 of those hours being a dark driving course.
- A written and oral exam is taken after the training is completed.
For parents and teens, our attorney has prepared a block of FAQs that provide comprehensive answers. If you can’t find your answer, simply call the law firm’s hotline for a free consultation.
About teen drivers and driving accidents
A special program is available to teach youth under the age of 21 how to drive. We recommend that teenagers take this course and gain experience to avoid incidents in Orlando in the future.
- You can begin your driver’s license course at age 15.
- If you are 16 or 17, you may drive during the strictly designated hours of 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. and must have an instructor 21 years or older sitting in the front seat.
- For drivers between 17 and 18, there is a curfew from 1 a.m. to 5 a.m.
- The driver of the vehicle must be a college student.
- The same rule applies to both college freshmen and 16-year-old drivers.
A single driving violation will result in your driver’s license being taken away.
What causes teenage driving accidents?
According to federal statistics, the main causes of teenage driving accidents are as follows:
- No driving experience.
- Cell phone use (distraction).
- Driving with friends, more than 1 passenger.
- Exceeding the speed limit.
- Driving at night or on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday.
- Use of alcohol or drugs.
- Driving without a seat belt.
Our accident lawyers review many facts to investigate a case, prove a driver’s innocence, or get compensation payments.
What percentage of 16- to 19-year-olds who die in auto collisions are killed in single-vehicle accidents?
The car accident statistics for teens aged 16-19 are alarming across the United States. For example, in 2014, 17% of teen drivers were involved in car incidents.
Teenagers were killed behind the wheel because they had a BAC of 0.08% or more. The most catastrophic year was 2015, when 2,333 teens aged 16-19 were killed on the roads and 221,313 teens were injured. From 2016-2020, these threatening statistics were partially reduced by the implementation of a national road safety program for teenagers drivers.
Schedule a free consultation
Regardless of who caused the incident, a teenager is recognized as the most vulnerable person involved. A lawyer can give you advice on how to protect your rights with your insurer and other interested parties. Parents fear that their children may be involved in a car accident because of their inexperience. If you have had an incident on the road with a teenager, or if you want protection yourself, contact our lawyer, who will develop a specific Orlando teen accident program for you.

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