Motorcycle Accident
Lawyer Orlando
Motorcycle Accident
Many Americans under the age of 45 prefer to drive a motorcycle in addition to a car. This mode of transportation has gained in popularity among urban Orlando residents and those who live in smaller communities. Unfortunately, incidents are increasing in number every day—and more often than not, the motorcyclist is the cause of the incident. According to the state Department of Accident Statistics, every 5 or 6 accidents that occur in Florida involve motorcycle crashes. Of these cases, about 35% are fatal, and about 40% result in serious consequences for the motorcyclist, who becomes disabled and has to spend the rest of their life trying to regain their health. An Orlando motorcycle accident lawyer will help the injured person, as well as their family members, get compensation.
Orlando Motorcycle Accident Lawyer
Every incident has unique characteristics, especially if it involves a motorcycle. Our Orlando personal injury lawyers have proven that they can obtain fair compensation for injured accident victims. Each attorney works hard to ensure that the injured motorcyclist or their family members can go through the process with as little heartache and turmoil as possible. Our Orlando attorneys will try to reduce your emotional, mental, and physical burden, and do everything possible to get justice.
What Are the Most Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents?
Florida crash statistics between 2018 and 2019:
- A motorcycle accident occurs every 116 minutes in Florida.
- More than 9,000 of all incidents are motorcycle-related.
- Statistically, the main group of victims is people of working age from 21 to 44.
- Almost 2,095 motorcyclists are severely injured, and sometimes incompatible with life.
- About 541 of them die instantly or in the first hours.
The Orlando Department of Motor Vehicle Accident Regulation has compiled a list of reasons why motorcycle crashes occur:
- Careless driving;
- Failure to obey traffic laws;
- Drunken (or drugged) driving;
- Vehicle malfunction;
- Bad road surface;
- Motorcycle driven by a minor under the age of 16.
In Florida, it is not necessary to have an insurance certificate for a motorcycle Statistics show that about 25% of motorcyclists do not have insurance. This complicates the job of obtaining compensation payments. A professional Orlando motorcycle accident lawyer from our company is well aware of the problem at hand, and helps clients approach it in the right way.
Motorcycle Accidents Result in Serious Injuries
Police officers provide a daily report to the Orlando Department of Traffic Regulation, including when a motorcycle accident is caused by a motorcyclist. Professional Orlando lawyers have gathered interesting statistics and found that the following situations are the causes of motorcycle crashes:
- The driver fails to check the rear and side mirrors;
- at an intersection, the motorcyclist does not give the right of way to a moving vehicle according to the rules of the traffic code;
- the driver is not driving in the motorcycle lane;
- the driver does not reduce speed in front of signs;
- the driver collides with obstacles, including driving in reverse;
- during a turn, the driver violates the priority movement for cars;
- the pavement does not meet the specified quality standards.
Our attorneys have found these to be the most common causes of motorcycle crashes. The consequences can be severe to moderate injuries, which together account for up to 68% of crashes.
Why Hire an Orlando Motorcycle Accident Lawyer?
In most cases, after an automobile accident, an insurer visits the scene of the incident. Our case law shows that many insurers mislead motorcyclists by asking them to sign documents “guaranteeing an additional payout.” Given current practice, an Orlando motorcycle accident lawyer does not recommend that a driver sign any documents with an insurer. Even if you have the wrong type of insurance, you can still get a claim later on. In this case, you should call your attorney and get an initial free consultation.
Also, our Orlando motorcycle accident lawyers recommend that, when filing a report, you do not indicate, to the traffic police officer, the party you believe is responsible for the incident. If you do, the information entered in the report will be directed against you. In addition, it is necessary to record the data about the participants and witnesses to the car accident. This will affect the future decision of the court in terms of applying the percentage of the motorcyclist’s modified fault. This system involves calculating compensation payments based on each party’s percentage of fault in the incident. An experienced Orlando lawyer will check the correctness of the modified fault calculation and determine the technical condition of the bike at the time of the incident.
Wrongful Death Lawsuits After a Fatal Accident
As stated above, a fairly high percentage of bike incidents involve a fatality. The relatives of a motorcycle accident victim may receive compensation and restitution under either the wrongful death motorcyclist or the so-called “survival law.” In the first case, compensation payments are made based on documented evidence of the fatal incident. In the second case, the payment situation is both economic and non-economic. If your loved one dies within 2 years of the bile incident, you can file a claim under the new circumstances that have arisen. An experienced Orlando motorcycle accident lawyer can help relatives of a victim obtain both accident and “survival law” compensation benefits. The average amount of compensation is $50,000 (if there is a fatality). Compensation payments can be increased in complicated circumstances. In Florida, there have been a few cases in which compensation was as high as $1 million. You can get these awards if the victim was a child, an incapacitated person, or a pregnant woman. This amount is limited by Florida law and applies to Orlando.
How Can Our Orlando Personal Injury Lawyers Help You?
An incident involving a bike has unique characteristics. All motorcyclists are required to have insurance that covers the costs associated with the accident. Our attorneys have encountered numerous situations in which the motorcyclist lacked insurance. Although the driver will be issued a fine, if they are injured in the incident, the insurance companies will be required to pay compensation. An Orlando motorcycle accident lawyer knows the proper way to handle all situations and helps the motorcycle owner resolve the issue.
- You will receive an initial free consultation with the attorney.
If necessary, your personal Orlando lawyer will go to the scene of the incidentand proceed with the parties involved as required by state and metropolitan Orlando law. - Even if you were not injured in the incident, our Orlando attorney recommends that you visit a doctor within 14 days to document your medical condition.
- If you have been ordered to undergo treatment for the accident, you should keep your medical bills, which will be submitted to the insurance company for reimbursement.
- If you have been ordered to undergo rehab, you should also contact our Orlando motorcycle accident lawyer, who will help draft a claim for future expenses related to treatment and rehabilitation.
- Relatives of a bike accident victim can also seek the help of our attorney, who will draft a claim for compensation for both accidental death and “survival law” claims.
More Orlando Motorcycle Accident Lawyer FAQs
Our professional Orlando motorcycle accident lawyers have compiled popular motorcyclist questions and answers (FAQs) to help those involved in an accident make the right decision in terms of their next move. If your question isn’t listed here, ask the operator or attorney directly using the online form application or customer service phone number.
How much does an Orlando personal injury lawyer cost?
The initial consultation with the attorney is free of charge for the client. You can provide our personal injury lawyer in Orlando with information, documents, or other information. After the initial information is received, a responsible Orlando motorcycle accident lawyer will contact you. The professional will develop a plan of action to protect your rights. We will not charge you for our services until you win your case.
What type of attorney deals with motorcycle accidents?
We have specialists with many years of practical experience with bike incidents. Based on the available judicial decisions and precedents, the attorney will develop a further strategy of action. We have experienced lawyers on staff who win up to 98% of court cases. Before your particular situation is taken on, an Orlando motorcycle accident attorney will assess how much compensation you can expect to receive under Florida law. Even if your fault on a modified scale is more than 51%, we will tell you what you can do to get compensation for your circumstances.
Is getting an Orlando accident lawyer worth it?
Absolutely. If you are at fault in the incident, you may be charged too much in fines, as provided by law. If you or a family member have been the victim of a car accident, a professional Orlando motorcycle accident lawyer can advise you on the right way to collect compensation from the insurance company. We can also determine if there is any indication that the state is at fault, such as substandard pavement that caused the incident.
How long does a settlement take?
There is one rule that applies to the overall settlement period. A claim must be filed within 2 years of the time of the incident. If that deadline has passed, you cannot file a claim with the insurance company or the state. However, if an incident involving a bike in Orlando results in the death of a party to the incident within those 2 years, the time limit for filing a claim is extended to 2 years from the date of the victim’s death. In addition, the statute of limitations for a child may be increased by 2 years from the date of adulthood, which is 18 years of age. Some categories of victims, such as pregnant women, incapacitated persons, and those going through a period of recuperation, may be eligible for an extension of time to file a petition.
Orlando Motorcycle Accident Statistics
According to the City of Orlando Department of Transportation, as many as 600 bike incidents occur in the city each year. Also, as many as 25 motorcycle drivers are killed each year. Between 2017 and 2019, 75 people were killed. Among motorcyclists, 520 are injured each year, including serious injuries. Of all car accidents in the state between 2017 and 2019, 1.9% of accidents are motorcycle related. In addition, 14% of traffic fatalities in Orlando are motorcycle-related.

(407) 264-8773
TheNunezLawFirm@gmail.comWe are open Monday-Friday 9am-5pm.