Orlando Taxi Cab
Accident Lawyer
Most people who book taxi cabs assume that their trips will be safe. However, there are just as many risks associated with cab travel as there are with any other form of transportation. On average, there are at least 50 fatal cab crashes each year in the United States. Each state has its own laws governing what happens if a taxi cab incident occurs. Most states equate cabs to buses due to the public transportation element. Orlando, like the rest of the State of Florida, has a large fleet of taxi cabs that the residents of the city use. Some employ this type of transportation to avoid getting behind the wheel of their own cars while drunk. Others use taxi cabs for personal and commercial purposes. Florida law requires that all taxi cab incidents be handled similarly to public transportation incidents .
Hiring a Florida taxi injury attorney
When you are involved in a car incident, you are always dealing with medical bills, vehicle repair and maintenance costs, and insurance companies. It is very difficult to deal with the problem alone. However, the personal taxi cab accident attorneys from our company are always ready to lend a helping hand. If you are injured, a hired attorney in Orlando can resolve all your issues, including communicating with the insurance company and other parties involved in the incident. Getting the compensation you deserve will be easier if you entrust your taxi cab accident case to our experienced attorneys in Orlando.
The competence of professional attorneys will help you with several tasks.
- Perhaps you are seriously injured and can’t deal with legal issues on your own right now.
- After some time, the services of a taxi cab accident lawyer may be necessary to help you undergo treatment and rehabilitation after the crash.
- As a result of the crash, you may be experiencing pain and suffering, especially if you have lost friends or loved ones, along with other non-economic losses.
- The insurance company pays little money, believing that you have already received full compensation, although this is not the case.
In fact, there are several pitfalls attached to the interaction of an injured driver or taxi cab passenger when it comes to dealing with insurance companies that are reluctant to pay compensation. Our lawyers in Orlando will take your case into their hands and propel your claim and compensation to their logical conclusion.
What to do if you are involved in a taxi cab accident in Orlando
Cab accidents can be the fault of the driver, a pedestrian, or another driver. Our Orlando taxi cab accident lawyers recommend following standard rules of conduct if a taxi cab accident occurs.
- Stop the vehicle, get out of the car, and see if other people need medical attention.
- Call 911 and provide information about the incident. Also, indicate whether anyone is injured and needs medical assistance.
- Wait for a traffic police officer who will work with an expert to investigate the crash.
- Take photos or videos of the incident scene.
- Gather contact information for those involved in the crash, as well as witnesses.
- Provide information about everything to your insurance agent.
In addition, taxi cab accident lawyers recommend taking the following steps.
- Do not tell the traffic officer who you think is the at-fault party. Otherwise, all of your explanations for the accident will be used against you.
- Do not post the crash scene on social media; if you do, you will violate the secrecy of the investigation.
- Do not sign any documents from your own or someone else’s insurance agent. Otherwise, there is a risk that you will receive low compensation or no compensation at all.
If you have any doubts about the correctness of the actions during the incident, call our lawyers and get an initial free consultation. If necessary, our Orlando taxi cab accident attorneys will go to the scene of the accident and help you properly interact with the police, insurance companies, and other interested parties.
Taxi liability insurance coverage in Orlando
All taxi cab drivers must have auto insurance. This applies to transportation companies as well as private carriers. Cabs are commercial vehicles, so Orlando taxi cab accident attorneys remind you to have one or more types of auto insurance.
- Collision insurance. This provides reimbursement for the economic costs associated with damage to the vehicle.
- Comprehensive insurance. This provides compensation for expenses related indirectly to a crash, such as a tree falling in the roadway.
- Uninsured driver insurance. This covers minimal medical and other expenses if the car is driven by an uninsured person.
- Assistance insurance. Lawyers in Orlando recommend taking out this type of insurance as, in the event of an incident, it covers all costs involved with towing the car as well as parking at a special site.
- Rental car insurance. Many transportation companies rent cars from others. In this case the specified insurance can cover the costs.
- Umbrella insurance. Our Orlando lawyers recommend taking out this type of insurance to cover a situation in which the costs of an accident exceed the minimum coverage threshold.
Our attorneys recommend contacting your insurance company, which can help you calculate and select the right type of auto cab insurance. Later our Orlando taxi cab accident lawyers can help you draw up a claim against your insurance company for full compensation as a result of the crash.
The risk of getting injured in an Orlando cab accident
The likelihood of getting injured in cab accidents is the same as that for other motor vehicle accidents. Lawyers note that injuries are most likely to occur under the following circumstances:
- Excessive speed;
- too-slow speed;
- failure to follow basic traffic rules, including ignoring stop signs and running red lights;
- reckless driving;
- driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI);
- failure to use headlights at night;
- communicating over the phone, including texting.
These are the main risks that lead to severe car crashes. To minimize the risks, our attorneys in Orlando recommend following the basic rules of the road and being as careful as possible.
Claims against a taxi driver or cab company can be difficult
Drafting a claim against a cab driver, as well as a cab company, involves several nuances. As lawyers in Orlando point out, taxi company owners ignore their drivers’ insurance policies. Attorneys repeatedly encounter situations in which an incident was caused by a driver who did not have insurance.
State law requires drivers to have certificates of insurance. Such rules are ignored by taxicab fleets. In this case, lawsuits will be filed against the owner of the cab service, and the damages could be astronomical. Lawyers recommend that cab business owners take out at least minimal insurance for their drivers to minimize the risks associated with a car incident. There is also a recommendation for salaried cab drivers, i.e., take out auto liability insurance. Otherwise, you may have problems with compensation and medical bills, loss of job, and pain and suffering later on.

(407) 264-8773
TheNunezLawFirm@gmail.comWe are open Monday-Friday 9am-5pm.