Orlando Drugged
Driving Accident
Driving under the influence of alcohol, and even more so, under the influence of drugs, is illegal in most states of the United States, as well as in Orlando County. By contacting our legal service’s attorneys, you can get help in resolving issues if you are an injured party in a drugged driving accident. Our lawyer will assess your likelihood of winning in court or with an insurance company, from which you can receive compensation benefits for the consequences of a drugged driving accident in Orlando.
Orlando Drugged Driving Accident Lawyer
Orlando drugged driving accident attorney legal assistance is available to an individual who has been injured in a car crash in which the driver was under the influence of drugs. Assistance from an attorney is available to relatives of a person who was killed in an accident in which the at-fault driver was engaging in drugged driving in Orlando. Through our multi-line customer service phone number, an on-call lawyer will advise you, free of charge, about drugged driving accidents.
Florida Law Applied to Drugged Driving
Each state in the United States has its own regulations governing the criminal and administrative penalties for drugged driving. In Florida, they are the 2020 Florida Statutes. In Title XXIII, Chapter 316, Paragraph 316.193 addresses Orlando drugged driving. This is one of the most expansive paragraphs, explaining the rights, duties, and penalties for those under the influence of not only alcohol but also drugs. The paragraph contains exhaustive data, on the basis of which the attorney prepares claims. In some cases, the defense of a driver who was under the influence of drugs is allowed—for example, the drugs were in a medication that is a life-saving drug for the driver. In such a case, a detailed examination of the circumstances of the drugged driving accident will be required. Based on the examination, as well as the testimony and report of the police officer, the Orlando drugged driving accident lawyer will develop a plan of action to defend or file a lawsuit against the parties involved.
Drugged Driving Is a Serious Safety Problem
As marijuana has recently been approved for free use in Florida, the number of drugged driving accidents has increased. The state is aware of this problem and amends the Florida Statutes every year. Most marijuana users are under the age of 30. Many of them have their own cars and yet are still driving while under the influence. The traffic police crack down on such actions and bring the perpetrators to justice. Our lawyers will help to resolve issues with such drivers. You have the opportunity to get your license back while paying a fine and receiving criminal penalties. The 2020 Florida Statutes have a graduated scale of penalties and rehabilitation. To avoid negative consequences, we recommend that you contact our attorney and get help.
The Best Way to Stop Drugged Driving
The best way to prevent a crash on the road involving a driver under the influence of psychotropic substances is through persuasion. Numerous communities throughout the United States help people who are under the influence of drugs. Lawyers advise contacting these organizations to help convince the driver to not do anything rash behind the wheel.
Drugged Driving Car Accident FAQs
If you are a drug addict or have been injured in an Orlando drugged driving accident, our attorneys have prepared answers to common questions that you might have. If you don’t find your answer and have additional questions, contact our on-call lawyer for a free consultation.
What if a Suspected Drugged Driver Caused an Accident?
The first thing to do is refer the person for an examination. If the person refuses, they will be ordered to undergo an examination at their own expense. In some cases, the assistance of an attorney will be required to verify the accuracy of the examination.
Can Drugged Drivers Cause Substantial Injuries and Damages?
A drunk driver, just like a driver under the influence of psychotropic substances, is a danger to other road users. The driver cannot fully control their behavior, and the consequence can be a car crash. Passengers and pedestrians can be seriously injured or even die. To get compensation, you must look into all the circumstances of the case. Our Orlando drugged driving accident lawyer can help you do just that.
Can You Drive with Anxiety Medication?
Our attorneys have seen many cases in which an crash involved a driver who was taking medication that included illegal drugs. To determine intent or negligence on the part of the driver, it is necessary to examine the intended use of the drug. Drug manufacturers give warnings about the adverse effects that can arise when one is behind the wheel. Our lawyer recommends reviewing the drug’s instructions as they relate to driving.
How Do Over-the-Counter Drugs Affect Driving?
Some over-the-counter drugs sold through pharmacies contain psychotropic substances. In most cases, these drugs cause drowsiness, confusion, or nausea. Due to these side effects, the driver cannot assess their own actions behind the wheel. Our attorneys recommend noting the information in the instructions regarding whether the drug may have side effects and when those side effects might arise. Carefully determine when to take the drug to avoid adverse effects while driving.
What Is the Most Common Drug Found in Drivers?
Among all the incidents involving fatalities and serious injuries, and in which drugs were the cause of the incidents, almost all studies confirm that marijuana is the leading drug. High levels of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), a marijuana ingredient that instantly alters human consciousness, were found in the blood of drivers that caused the crashes. In second place, according to most attorneys, are drugs from the opioid group.
Types of Medications That Impact Driving Ability
Along with marijuana, other types of drugs affect a person’s driving ability—for example, cocaine, benzodiazepine, etc. If you have to take drugs, research the side effects before you get behind the wheel – not only our attorneys, but also doctors and the professional anti-drug community in the United States talk about this.
Get a Free Consultation
According to the U.S. National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), in 2018 alone, nearly 20.5 million 16-year-olds drove under the influence of alcohol, with 12.6 million of them under the influence of illegal drugs. This led to a string of terrible car accidents, after which experienced lawyers got involved. Injuries and fatalities are the worst things that can happen when a person is under the influence of drugs. If you or a relative have been the victim of a car accident, contact our Orlando drugged driving accident attorney for a free consultation. Our lawyers carefully review each case to understand all the nuances.

(407) 264-8773
TheNunezLawFirm@gmail.comWe are open Monday-Friday 9am-5pm.