Orlando Bicycle Accident Lawsuit FAQs | Ask a Lawyer

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Riding a bicycle has become commonplace in Orlando. Children ride bicycles to school, while adults bicycle for exercise or personal use. The presence of bike lanes protects cyclists from crashes. Unfortunately, however, the number of bicycle accident victims is increasing every year. Our Florida Lawsuit Lawyer has prepared a block of popular questions on the subject.

Orlando Bicycle Accident Lawsuit FAQs

The bicyclist is the most vulnerable road user in Orlando, especially if he or she enters a road with heavy truck and car traffic. Almost every week, there is a new lawsuit that deals with bicycle incidents. Our attorneys are actively involved in these cases and are well versed in the laws and specifics of such claims. Review the following bicycle accident FAQs for more information.

What Laws Does Orlando Have to Protect Cyclists?

Like most states, Florida has its own domestic law for cyclists. When filing and adjudicating lawsuits, judges and lawyers in Orlando are guided by The Florida Statutes 2021, Section 316.2025. Under this law, the following rules are established for bicyclists:

  • obey all rules of the road;
  • have a fixed seat;
  • do not exceed the number of passengers allowed by the bicycle modification;
  • hold the handlebars with at least one hand while riding;
  • guardians and legal representatives of juvenile bicyclists are responsible in an crash;
  • equip the bicycle with a brake capable of stopping the vehicle within 25 feet.

In addition, if a bicyclist in Orlando turns left, he or she can fully use the dedicated lane to maneuver.

What Types of Compensation Can I Receive in a Florida Bike Accident Lawsuit?

Very often, our attorneys are asked about the types of compensation payments that cyclists can receive in the aftermath of a car incident. They note the following types of possible compensation:

  • Compensation for current and future medical expenses.
  • Loss of wages due to injuries sustained in a car incident, such as inability to perform work duties.
  • Compensation for physical and mental harm.

Even if you don’t have PIP insurance, you can contact our attorneys for free advice.

How Long Will My Bicycle Accident Case Take to Settle?

The exact amount of time it will take to resolve your issue will depend on the complexity of the situation, as well as other factors involved. When you go to an insurance agent, you should get an answer from the person (insurance company) you are interested in within 30 calendar days. If the issue is not resolved in your favor, a lawsuit will be initiated. The minimum time for a lawsuit is three months. In some cases, the lawsuit will take up to six months, and sometimes longer.

How Many People Die in Bicycle Accidents Each Year?

Bicycle travel accounts for only one percent of all moving vehicles. However, bicyclists face the greatest risk of being injured or killed in a collision with a vehicle. In 2015, for example, more than 1,000 bicyclists were killed in the United States, and more than 467,000 people were injured to varying degrees.

What Injuries Can Happen When Your Helmet Cracks During an Accident?

Wearing a helmet is a must when one is riding a bicycle on a bike path or highway. Unfortunately, though, helmets don’t always save the rider, and injuries happen all too often. The main injuries associated with helmet damage are as follows: head injuries, facial disfigurement, eye loss, dislocated jaw, etc. We recommend that you buy helmets from proven and certified manufacturers that offer official warranties.

Who Is Responsible if the Driver Who Hit Me on My Bike Was Working at the Time?

Commercial vehicles are driven by hired drivers who are the responsible persons in a car accident. Corporate executives are required to have insurance for the driver who will be operating a commercial vehicle in the course of his or her job. In an automobile accident, not only will the firm driver be liable, but the company itself will be liable if there is employer’s liability insurance. The recommended standard of insurance would be a PIP certificate.

Is the Bike Maker Responsible for My Injuries if a Defective Part Caused My Bicycle Accident?

Florida Traffic Law requires that a bicyclist operating a vehicle in Orlando have proof of ownership of the bicycle. This document includes the bicycle manufacturer’s legal information, which states its warranty and provides a technical description of the bicycle. If an auto incident is caused by the bicycle manufacturer (faulty part), the owner of the vehicle can file a claim against the manufacturer. In this case, additional technical expertise from independent crash commissioners will be required.

How Can I Avoid a Bike Accident?

Because bicycles are common in Florida, it is recommended that you adhere to the “bike etiquette” that is implicit in the state.

  • Always be courteous and careful on the road.
  • Move out of the way if you slow down or stop your ride.
  • Ride steadily and predictably.
  • Always stay on the right side of the road.
  • Pay attention to the requirements of signs and traffic lights.
  • Give priority to those traveling to your left.
  • Turn on lights and horns when necessary.
  • Wear a protective helmet.


These rules will help you avoid car accidents.

Get a Free Consultation

If you have been involved in a bicycle incident, contact our lawyer for a free initial consultation and assistance. The firm’s lawyers will help you develop a strategy for dealing with the at-fault party and insurance companies and assist you in the litigation process.

Written by Rafael NunezAttorneyPosted on October 23, 2021
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