Bus Accident in Fort Myers
When involved in a serious Fort Myers bus accident, passengers or pedestrians can suffer injuries and, in the most severe cases, even death. A motor vehicle accident involving a bus results in personal injury cases involving passengers. Sometimes pedestrians and other road users—motorists, bicyclists, or motorcyclists—suffer similar injuries. Legal compensation is paid to the injured and the deceased, and in the case of the latter, the recipients of compensation will be close relatives. Experienced bus accident lawyers in Fort Myers can help you determine the exact amount of compensation. Submit your case for analysis and receive a free consultation with our attorneys in your motor vehicle accident case.
Fort Myers Bus Accident Lawyers
Even if you are not at fault in a Fort Myers bus accident, you can always claim compensation benefits under PIP insurance. However, there is a limit to the coverage you can recover, and you can only claim additional compensation if you provide additional evidence. On your own, you are unlikely to be able to draw up a well-reasoned claim. But the help of a professional bus accident attorney in Fort Myers just allows you to prepare claims and other demands against the insurers and at-fault party.
Working on your behalf, an experienced lawyer interacts with the insurance company and provides documentation and proof that you are entitled to more compensation payments. If the insurer does not agree with the stated amount in pretrial proceedings, your Fort Myers bus accident lawyer will pursue the case before a trial panel. A jury will review your claim and decide whether to collect compensation payments from the insurer or at-fault party beyond the stated limit under the insurance.
Many Factors Could Affect Liability in Bus Accidents
As you know, Fort Myers public transportation has several legal statuses. This is very important because your legal compensation will depend on it. The status of the bus that serves as a factor in a lawsuit can be as follows:
- Public transportation
- School buses
- Transportation for senior citizens
- Tourist buses
Each type of public transportation is assigned a legal status as a carrier. For example, school buses are owned by both the school and the City of Fort Myers. In a lawsuit, not only the driver but also whoever maintains the vehicle will have a claim. State law allows claims to be filed against other carriers who service the vehicles. After an incident, the bus accident attorney interacts with these entities as well.
However, if there is evidence of a technical failure of the vehicle, then the defendant in this case will be the bus service organization and the manufacturer of the vehicle. In this case, the lawyer will help you draw up a claim against the manufacturer and the service company.
Common Injuries from Bus Accidents
Victims of bus accidents most commonly report the following in personal injury cases:
- Minor Bumps, Cuts, and Bruises. These injuries are minor but can cause future discomfort and distress if you do not seek medical attention.
- Stretching of Muscles or Soft Tissues. Such wounds usually heal within a few weeks. You may also be able to get medical reimbursement for them.
- Arm and Leg Fractures. Injuries are different, and the injured person will need time to recover and rehabilitate. You may need the help of an experienced lawyer to prepare a claim for compensation for current and future medical expenses.
- Neck or Head Injuries. Severe cases can lead to disability.
Amputation of limbs, gas and fuel fumes poisoning, and internal bleeding are also not uncommon. For all injuries, you can get both economic and noneconomic legal compensation. Fort Myers accident lawyers can help you with this by drafting a claim against the at-fault party.
Fort Myers Laws About Bus Accidents
All drivers of vehicles, including buses, must have minimum PIP insurance with a minimum coverage of $10,000. Under PIP insurance, a passenger may receive compensation for the consequences of a motor vehicle accident. If the victim is a pedestrian, bicyclist, or motorcyclist, PIP covers those citizens who live in Florida or have purchased insurance from insurers in the state. Florida residents are fully entitled to receive legal compensation, while there are some restrictions for nonresidents. Get an explanation of this issue from our Fort Myers bus accident attorneys.
Filing a Fort Myers Bus Accident Claim or Lawsuit
Under state law, you have the right to file a lawsuit only within four years from the date of the bus accident. And if there is evidence of negligence on the part of the doctor after the accident, you may be able to file a claim against the medical organization within two years. Contact a bus accident attorney, who can help you draft a claim against the at-fault party and the insurance company.
Bus Accident FAQs
What is the right thing to do during an accident? What does it take to get a claim, and why do bus accidents happen? All of these questions are answered here by our experienced lawyers. If you can’t find your answer, contact a responsible bus accident attorney for a free consultation.
Why Do Bus Accidents in Fort Myers Occur?
Southwest Florida is growing every year. It is estimated that in 2025, the population will be twenty-five million people. Approximately six million will be citizens over the age of sixty-five, who are the most likely to use buses. Naturally, Fort Myers has to develop its transportation network. However, the more buses there are, the worse safety issues are addressed. Young and inexperienced drivers are causing car accidents. They are also caused by carelessness and negligence on the part of more experienced drivers.
What Makes Fort Myers Bus Accidents More Dangerous?
Poor weather conditions and heavy vehicle traffic set dangerous precedents on the road. Bus drivers fail to maintain control, leading to severe accidents. It is also not uncommon for tour buses to be the cause of accidents because drivers do not know the roads well and do not follow the rules of the road. Seek the help of a bus accident attorney, who will gather evidence and make sure your interests are properly defended before a court panel.
What Damages Can I Recover if I Was Injured in a Fort Myers Bus Accident?
The minimum PIP coverage is $10,000. But in some cases, transportation companies are required to increase coverage as required by state law. There will be 80% coverage for medical expenses and 60% for loss of work. We recommend contacting bus accident lawyers, who can help calculate economic and noneconomic damages and prepare claims for those involved.
How Can I Prove My Pain and Suffering?
Pain and suffering refer to noneconomic damages. In this case, you need to prove that you lost interest in life as a result of the accident. You will need the help of an attorney to gather evidence and corroborate information from witnesses, doctors, and psychologists. Each case of pain and suffering needs to be argued, and a car accident attorney can help you do that.
Filing Deadlines for Fort Myers Bus Accidents
Please note that the deadline to file a claim is four years from the date of the bus accident. Otherwise, individual court-ordered extensions of the statute of limitations are allowed. You can get a lawyer to help you draft your claim. But, if you miss the deadline, only a judge will decide whether to extend the deadline based on the lawyer’s claim.
Get a Free Consultation
Do you have a public transportation accident case and don’t know what steps to take? Contact our lawyers now for a free consultation and assistance with your matter.
