Bicycle Accident
On Florida’s highways, cyclists are often the victims of car accidents. According to traffic laws, there are special lanes for cyclists. However, in some places there is no lane splitting, and so their movement is subject to the generally accepted rules of Florida traffic.
Florida Bicycle Accident Lawyers
The most typical bike crash is when the driver of a car pulls out of a mall or street parking lot and swerves right into the roadway. Very often in this situation, the driver of the car only follows the control of their vehicle, forgetting about the vulnerable road users, such as pedestrians and cyclists. Experienced attorneys have to sort out the case of the accident literally piece by piece to prove the innocence of the vulnerable road user. The consequences of traffic safety can be disastrous for all involved. At best, the pedestrian and others involved in a bicycle crash will suffer minor personal injury; at worst, wrongful death.
An experienced Florida bicycle accident lawyer can help you prepare proper claims in court or with the insurance companies and help you determine how much compensation the injured party can receive. In addition, by going through the details of the case, the lawyer can identify possible defects on part of the police officer, experts, and other parties involved in the bike accident case. An objective evaluation of all the nuances will help bring your bicycle accident case to a logical resolution.
Bicycles Have a Right to the Road
To reduce the risks of a Florida Bicycle Accident, the operator of the vehicle should be aware of their rights and follow a set of rules when on the road. This will help avoid bike accidents.
- Always operate your vehicle while wearing a helmet, even if Florida law allows for the option of not wearing protective headgear.
- Install reflective warning lights on the front and rear of your vehicle.
- When making a turning maneuver, signal with your hand, and use a steering wheel-mounted bell to alert the pedestrian of your approach.
- Move in heavy traffic in the direction of traffic, not against it. Look all drivers in the eyes and make sure they can see you too.
- Do not use busy streets that are not meant for driving. Otherwise, in case of an accident you will have obvious signs that will make you guilty.
- On narrow roads, do not press close to the curb and take into account the potential danger from a car standing on the curb. The driver of a truck or car may open their door while parked, thereby injuring a moving cyclist.
On the other hand, car drivers should give priority to cycling on the road if the operator of the vehicle properly maneuvers.
Florida Area Cycling Statistics
According to surveys, about 9 million Americans commute by bicycle each day, with 28 percent of them doing physical activity to stay healthy. This indicates that this mode of transportation remains popular among Americans who commute for work, errands, and recreation.
The State of Florida is analyzing bicycle crashes, looking at the general “pedal bike” category, which includes adult bikes, children’s bikes, and light children’s bikes. So in 2019, the following was recorded.
- The total number of Florida Bicycle Accidents is 6,664.
- Number of fatalities involving cyclists – 156.
- Number of injured bicyclists who subsequently received a disability – 774.
- Number of other bike crash injuries – 5,455.
The COVID pandemic reduced the number of crashes in 2020, but bicycle crashes are commonplace in the state again after restrictions were lifted. Contacting our attorney can help you get compensation for the incident as well as other statutory benefits.
Bicycle Accident FAQs
According to statistics, an average of 18-19 bike accidents occur in the state. The number of injured bicyclists depends on the season. The warm season is traditionally the most dangerous period of the year for vehicle operators. Our bicycle crash attorneys answer your questions and help resolve any incident situations. If you can’t find the answer to your question, call our duty lawyer for a free consultation.
How Can I Avoid a Bike Accident?
Even though Florida has an optional helmet rule, we recommend that you wear a minimum amount of protection. Always ride in the designated lane. If there is no bike lane, park on the road, keeping your distance from the curb and your car on the shoulder, or you may be struck by a door that opens. Try to always wear brightly colored clothing.
What Florida Bicycling Laws Should Drivers and Cyclists Know?
Unfortunately, when reviewing client cases, Florida Bike Injury Attorneys note that not all vehicle operators are aware of specific state laws. Here are some laws the lawyer reminds you of.
- It is okay to ride on sidewalks, but state and county laws must be considered.
- A vehicle operator under the age of 16 is required to wear a safety helmet. Otherwise, it is advisory.
- You may drive on designated lanes. If there are none, it is better to drive on the common lane closer to the edge of the road.
- Two drivers may drive side by side, so long as it does not impede movement of other participants.
- Between sunset and sunrise there should be lights on the vehicle. A regular light must be visible to an oncoming vehicle from 500 feet away, a white light from 600 feet away.
- It is prohibited to operate a vehicle without brakes.
- When overtaking a bicyclist, the motorist must maintain a safe distance of 3 feet.
By following these conditions, you have a guarantee of successful litigation in the event of a bike accident.
How Common Are Bicycle Accidents Lawsuits in Florida?
Each county in the state has its own statistics that show the likelihood of a lawsuit being filed with a court or insurance company. Bicycle accident lawyers are most often contacted in the following cities in the state, based on the maximum number of accidents that have occurred in a year:
- Miami-Dade County
- Broward County
- Pinellas County
- Palm Beach County
- Hillsborough County
The large number of appeals by injured bicyclists to bike injury lawyers is dictated by the large number of vehicle fleets in these communities.
How Much is a Bicycle Accident Case Worth?
The exact amount of compensation and other benefits will depend on whether you have insurance. And for car drivers, there is mandatory PIP insurance, which provides a minimum coverage of $10,000. Having cyclist insurance is not a mandatory requirement, but you should have other force majeure coverage. Experienced attorneys recommend that vehicle operators always have insurance to help with complicated financial issues later on. In addition, bike injury lawyers recommend contacting an insurance company that can help you choose an insurance program if you plan to operate a light non-motorized vehicle for a long period of time. Having insurance helps you deal with accident issues effectively.
Can More Than One Driver be Held Liable for My Injuries in a Florida Injury Claim?
It all depends on the situation that preceded the car accident. If more than one driver is found to be at fault, you have every right to seek compensation from two or more at-fault parties. It is important to keep in mind that only expert testimony allows you to find more than one person at fault for the incident. If you have a non-standard car accident situation, we recommend that you present your case to our Florida bicycle accident lawyer, who will review the case and help you file your claim.
Should I Discuss My Bicycle Accident With an Auto Insurance Adjuster?
If you have insurance, you must report the incident to your insurance company. This requirement is stated in your insurance policy. After you call your insurer, an insurance company agent may come to the scene of the accident. Very often, the injured person is in a difficult psychological state, because of which agents may take advantage of the situation. For example, you may be asked to sign some kind of pretrial agreement. Our attorneys strongly recommend not to sign any documents. Particular attention should be paid to communication with the insurance agent of the guilty party, who may also offer to sign some kind of contract. Also, do not give your opinion as to who the guilty party is, otherwise all testimony may be turned against you. If an appraiser or insurer tries to cheat you, call your bicycle accident lawyer immediately and get help on how to proceed.
Injuries Associated With Bicycle Accidents
Injuries associated with an incident are often severe, and it is not uncommon for vehicle operators to suffer disabilities or even deaths. The most common injuries sustained by the driver are:
- Head and neck injuries
- Fractured arms and legs
- Facial disfigurement
- Soft tissue injuries
- Punctured lungs
- Abdominal injuries
Medical bills and other case files must be submitted in order to receive compensation payments. An experienced Florida bike injury attorney can help you build a claim and get you a fair payout.
Get a free consultation
To get a fair resolution to your case, it is not enough to handle it on your own. The help of a professional attorney can help you get a fair settlement and other benefits. We recommend that you get a free consultation with one of our professionals, who will be there to help you.
References and Resources:
